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About us

The FreeChild Project is an international campaign sponsored by Heritage Ministry of NY.  We seek to have U.S. ratify Declaration of the Rights of the Child in the United Nations with optional protocols we submit with which to better protect children worldwide and amend laws in U.S. that insure and protect children's rights to family structure and justice.

It is our primary mission.


Slave In Modern America is a 4-book series with factual stories of a child suffered extreme child abuse, how the child survived the system and various resources and inspirations which inspire other survivors. The books are written to bring light to a campaign to end child abuse and child sex slavery worldwide.

The author, D. Henry McGrath, seeks to promote "Slave in Modern America" to bring national attention to child abuse and child sex slavery through media and public education campaigns as well as through networking resources.


Heritage Ministry is a team of ministers and coordinators using creativity to spirit the message and offer guidance and support. We are non denominational, believers of God & Nature, seeking to light the candle of empowerment throughout the world through our projects and missions.

our team


Author of Slave In Modern America, Director of FreeChild Project, Certified Life Coach & NLP Practioner.

B.A. in Ministerial Services, member of Christian Leadership Institute, host on Stop Child Abuse Now, is the coordinator of NY Region-Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Recovery and host of IntendersCircle-Adirondacks

Rev. D. Henry McGrath


Lisa Petrocelli

Author and Ghostwriter,

Editor for Slave In Modern America book series, Spiritual Coach & Friend

FreeChild Project Ambassador

Louisiana’s State leader on child protection. Association as Louisiana’s State representative for SNAP 2016-2019, cofounder of SCSAORG 2019-2022, Director and producer for NAASCA, State Representative for Louisiana’s HB-492 . World Ambassador .on issues of child abuse/child sexual abuse.

Rev. Denise Beyer

Certified Spiritual Life/Family Coach


John Anderson

Anthony Cibelli

Director of Planned Parenting , NYC ambassador to the FreeChildProject, a Bronx native with years of experience as an activist for rights, integrity, transparency, accountability & restoring the public trust in our state government, especially being the courts and an investigative reporter for VOP-FreedomMedia.


Michael McGrath, Canada Ambassador Musician, Visionary, Humanitarian and supporter to end child abuse & child sex slavery worldwide!

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